May 31, 2023
NAACP Bute County Branch 1029-B
2736 El Noble Ave.
Oroville, CA 95966
NAACP Butte County Branch 1029-B Statement on Racist Slur at Shasta County Supervisors Meeting
The Butte County NAACP Branch 1029-B is appalled at the permissive use of the “N” word during a recent Shasta County Board of Supervisors meeting this past Tuesday. Allowing the use of language that is racially demeaning against a specific racial group should not be tolerated.
The NAACP Butte County Branch 1029-B aligns with the National NAACP’s ensuing statement, that “The N-word has been established to be derogatory, degrading, dehumanizing and is one of the most offensive words in history.” Those elected are entrusted to represent constituents with decorum and should protect the rights and dignity of all persons in their respective jurisdictions. The expression of racism that was permitted to be spoken without swift censorship by Chairman Derrick Jones against people of African American decent is deeply concerning and should be addressed by the Shasta County Board of Supervisors.
Janet Goodson, President
NAACP Butte County Branch 1029-B
(530) 566-3680